August 2, 2008


Our time in Singapore has been amazing, but we are on our way to Chennai! We've included some pictures from our time here. I hope you enjoy!


- a said...

i'm excited for you guys and am confident that G-d will bless those that you meet and that you will be equally blessed by many things.
pray always and assume love.

love, abby

Anne_Barkett said...

I don't see any pictures....

Cathy said...

Hey guys,
You are never far from my thoughts and prayers every day. I hope you get some rest soon and adjust well to the culture.

Cathy said...

"The time is always right to do what is right."
Martin Luther King Jr.

You are doing a wonderful thing in India. Mothers always selfishly worry, but the Lord is delighted in you!

LeBlonde Princess said...

Love your smiling faces...and Tommy you have that "Zen" thing going on...

Alison Peterson said...

Hi Guys! We're praying for you. We can't wait to hear the slightest bit of news on how you're doing. Justin, someone called (Kyle talked to them) for you today saying you won a prize for a sweepstakes you entered. The person wouldn't give anymore information than that.

Are you guys holding up okay?

Much love,
Alison (Justin's Mom)

Unknown said...


I miss you muchly; the haus has been so vacant and ronrey since you guys took off, but I'm praying for you all each day! Peace be with you every day!


Nate Berends said...

I can hardly wait to meet with you and hear your tales of travel.

Warmest wishes!

Alison Peterson said...

Good Evening! It's about 10:30 pm your time and 9:30 am our time. You're all in our prayers! We just can't wait to hear about the work you're doing. How's the humidity and bugs? Thanks for your recent text, Justin!!

Continued thoughts and prayers are with you.


Alison, Dan, Kyle and Arthur

mark said...

much love and many pryrs for y'all. The top pic is definitely "above the mantle" worthy. If only you were in really awful sweaters with a fake-city skyline in the background... then it would be perfect.

love from mark