Our time in Dharmapuri is coming to an end - we leave for Bangalore tomorrow morning at 4 am. These past few days have flown by and we were able to accomplish so much! The chicks for the chicken farm finally came today and the lady who runs the farm was thrilled. We've run the numbers over and over and it seems as if this is an amazing opportunity for the leper colony to make a substantial amount of money. This isn't just a one-time, "quick fix" - the farm will continue to make money long after we are gone and this was made possible by all the people who supported us financially - thank you. This morning we were able to deliver over 300 bags of rice and new sandals to widows in the area. There is also a team from Spain that set up a medical center for the widows.
This has been an incredible experience - we were able to see many villages in Tamil Nadu and experience all the great things about this culture. Most importantly, we were able to begin a relationship with the community that will last much longer than our few weeks here. Thank you all for your e-mails, comments, and continuous support - we couldn't have done it without you.

So glad your investment in the leper colony will enable them to be more self-sustaining. The chicks are so cute -- they are going to have a ton of chickens on their hands very soon. Am praying your trip north is an eye-opening adventure as well. Glad you did your ministry first in the smaller villages before heading to the big cities. Hope you are all well and happy. Am so proud of each of you -- this is really meaningful work, which I hope has been a deeply satisfying experience. God bless you and your supporters as well as the ones you have blessed.
Leslie (TM)
I am reminded of a simple poem by Charles MacKay:
A little spring had lost its way
Amid the grass and fern;
A passing stranger scooped a well
Where weary men might turn.
He walled it in, and hung with care
A ladle on the brink;
He thought not of the deed he did,
But judged that Toil might drink.
He passed again and the well,
By summer never dried,
Had cooled ten thousand parched tongues,
And saved a life beside.
It might seem like a corny poem, but it is so true. And it ends with:
A nameless man, amid the crowd
That thronged the daily mart,
Let fall a word of hope and love,
Unstudied from the heart...
You were but little at the first,
But mighty at the last.
I am so moved by your selfless acts of mercy and kindness! May he keep you under the shadow of his wings as you travel in northern India.
Ben's Mom
Thanks again for the pictures--it was good to see you guys working on the roof and handing out rice. These pictures help me feel closer, even though you are so many miles away. Love those chickens! :-)
Go Chicks! May God Bless those little ones and sustain and multiply them and their impact on that place! Travel Mercies as you move on....
Well done boys.
"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation." Ps 91:14-16 AMEN
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