Today we went downtown and provided a hot meal and blankets for some of the beggars in the area. Some showed us their diagnosis from doctors of HIV and heart conditions trying to get money for medications. Many were severely handicapped including one man who was hunched over and forced to walk on all fours, wearing sandals on his hands.
We encountered a really neat success story. In India, when their husbands die, widows are left with three options. They can either throw themselves on the burning body of their husband, marry their husband's younger brother if he has one, or lead a life of destitution and self denial. Daniel helped finance a small business for one of these women. She buys recycled plastic bags and sews them into tarps which are widely used as shelter from the elements. We purchased a couple of these tarps to give to the beggars. They came in handy right away as we experienced our first Indian downpour today.
We had a chance to talk to pastor Daniel about his finances today and we found out that he and those who work in his ministry earn 5oo rupees a month which comes out to about $17 U.S. We were astounded because of how freely he gives to all he meets even though he makes so little money for himself. They work around the clock seven days a week and yet work with an incredible energy that we haven't often encountered.
Our health has been incredible and we're a little unnerved by it. We eat more food than we do at home and keep insisting that they feed us less. We have been able to give away our leftovers to

amazing pictures. beautiful children. Thanks for the continual updates. Peace and Love.
wow. that's so great.
I'm overwhelmed by the compassion and giving heart of Daniel and the people who work with him. Seventeen bucks a day! It's hard to fathom. We spoiled Americans would spend that on our Starbuck's addiction in just a few days!
Thank you for keeping us updated with stories and pictures. You can't imagine how much these postings mean to all of us back here in the States. How wonderful that you are able to share food, clothing and hope to the poor.
All my heartfelt love and prayers are going out to you every day. :-)
Holy cow! Seventeen bucks per MONTH!! I just reread your post and discovered my error! Absolutely unbelievable. And yet Daniel and his team give so generously. True compassion.
As long as I am back here--thank you for the pictures of you guys at work with the people. Ben looks especially good! (Moms are always prejudiced) I'm so glad you are healthy. Keep taking your malaria pills and vitamins! :-)
What amazing experiences...such sorrow and joy. So glad you are able to truly be with people, like the family of the leper who died, and help to ease their burdens -- even if just for a moment. It is also so humbling to know that such a small investment can go so incredibly far in God's work through Daniel's ministry. Change is in the wind with how I view resources and perceived scarcity in the USA. Thank you for helping to deepen my vision for what is possible when one answers the call to service with the words "Send me," and follows them up with commitment and action. You guys are LIVING the call and GIVING yourselves. Thank you for taking us along with you. Love, Leslie (Ted's mom)
Wow! I could echo what Anne, Cynthia, Catalina and Leslie have said!
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us all.
Prayers, as always are with you all.
In prayer today for you these words just spoke directly to my spirit...If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:17-18
May God bless your love in action.
I'm fully expecting some amazing stories upon your return. The few that we're getting here (along with the pics) are just wonderful. So glad you guys had the guts to just up and follow the Spirit's lead.
much love from all here at Sanctuary!
These are amazing and life changing experiences you are having...just the trickle-down to here is life-altering and we are hungry for more stories! Keep 'em coming! Love to you all.
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